Allow me to introduce myself!!!!
My name is Richard Lahn. I am here to put myself out in the world, personally and professionally.
If you asked those closest to me… family, friends, clients; they might tell you I am personable, outgoing, honest, hard working, caring, kind, smart, eclectic, adventurous, the list goes on. But many would also tell you I am an introvert, shy, quiet, hesitant, scared of change, passive and this list goes on as well.
Having these two sides has been of both great value and detriment to me. I take incredible pride in my reputation among those closest to me. I have an incredible family, friends, wonderful health, great clients. However, my passive, introverted, aw-shucks attitude isn’t getting me where I want professionally. Sure, I can continue doing what I am doing, but the truth is I have this empty pit in my stomach wanting more. I have this feeling of unfulfilled potential.
I have written very detailed and specific goals that I plan to accomplish by 2024. These are not little goals, these are audacious life changing goals for me and my family. Even if I only reached 50% these goals, many will look back on this post and know exactly what I changed in myself to reach my greater potential.
My hope is to take the knowledge I have gained over the past 10+ years and my continued learning to create valuable content to reach a much wider audience.
Now, while I plan to make these changes to expand my business through leaving my comfort zone, the most important thing to me is remain authentic.