Lessons from the Purple Cow!

***originally posted on originalmoneybook.com***

I recently read the Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable by Seth Godin. I  picked it up after a recommendation from the founder of 1-800-GOTJUNK. After reading the  book, it was clear to see the impact the “purple cow” had on his own very successful company. 

So, what is the purple cow? How does it apply to business and why should you care?

The purple cow, ultimately, is a metaphor for remarkably different. Imagine driving through the country seeing cow pastures along the side of the road. There is nothing exciting or memorable about seeing a field of black and white cows. Sure, if you are from the city, there may be some initial novelty, but that will quickly wear off. Now picture a “purple” cow in a field of the “usual” black and white cows. Now that is a sight to see because they don’t exist, it would be a “remarkable” sight. So unique that it likely will become a big deal.

Now apply that same concept to business. What is the difference between the companies that just survive and that ones that thrive. Is there something inherently special or is there a difference that makes them a little remarkable? Does Starbucks just sell coffee? Does Amazon just sell books? Does Uber just provide an app for taxis? Does TOMS just sell shoes? The point being that businesses often need to separate from a crowded field to become successful. Many of the mentioned companies do this through creating community, experiences, social impact, convenience and more.

Why should you care? I don’t know why…..but I have a feeling you know why. It could be because you are trying to start a new business. Maybe you want to take your business to the next level. Perhaps you want job security and want to become indispensable. Regardless of your goal, I suspect becoming remarkable may serve you well. Now is the time to start thinking outside of the box to bring your business to the next level. 

In your personal and business life, if you want what few have. You need to be willing to do what few will.

Notes from the book:

  • Be remarkable, stand out and be prepared for criticism. Criticism come to those who stand out. The alternative is ordinary and going unnoticed.

  • Times have changed. With time we have seen an increase in available choices and decrease in time available.

  • Old School - safe, ordinary products. Market to the masses. 

  • New School - remarkable products. Market to the right people

  • TV Age? When was the last time you watched commercials on TV?

  • SAFE is Risky! Don’t be boring.

  • Don’t mistake very good with remarkable. Very good is not remarkable. Very good is expected. Remarkable is something they want to share!

  • The purple cow can compete with big business.

  • Don’t be everything to everybody.

  • Pick a niche that is underserved and dominate.

  • Bell curve explaining the stages of product adopters: Innovators, Early Adopters, Early and Late Majority, Laggards.

  • Permission - gather information to talk directly with customers, early adopters and sneezers.

  • Advertise and get your product into the hands of sneezers. Sneezers are often the early adopters that determine if a product is going to be successful.

  • OTAKU - someone that views something as more than a hobby, but less than an obsession. These people are often the sneezers you seek. 

  • If you want……Growth - you need the COW. Maintain - get away with Traditional.

  • Once your find the cow…..Milk it and come up with the next cow, your replacement.



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